When you compare the time prior to the year 2000, taking a loan was considered as a very big deal. If a person took a loan then they had an important need which required a lot of money and hence the loan was required. Post 2001, this concept has seen a drastic change. Today a person will take a loan for as good as buying a high end smart phone, consolidating smaller debts and many such regular needs.

The loan industry too has seen a lot of changes as apart from Banks and NBFCs have began a new process where individuals can use their skills and resources to convert loan leads and earn their livelihood. This program is called as “Direct Sales Agent” referral program. Through this program, Banks and NBFCs extend their network and outreach in the country.

We at Ruloans began an exclusive loan partner program for any person who aspires to be successful and also grow their career simultaneously. This person can be his own boss i.e. more like the CEO of his own company. If the person chooses to be part of our DSA program, then their main task would be to share a loan lead with us.

In general, there are 2 ways how this program works. In the first scenario you complete the entire process and submit the file to us and in the other scenario you share the lead with us, we contact the lead, follow up with them throughout the loan procedure and maintain the file. The end result here is that you earn incentives on each loan lead converted. Yes, for example; once you get personal loan leads, home loan leads, used car loan leads, business loan leads, loan against property leads and convert it, their loan gets disbursed and you get a payout. The USP of Ruloans is that we are committed at our work, excellent in partner service, we are one of the best paymasters and hence you can expect a quicker payout than the usual players in the market. Hence more leads will account to a higher payout for you.

One major benefit of working with Ruloans is that you get a wide network and audience as our brand has a PAN India presence. You can work as per you own convenience and earn extra profits. As a loan partner, you are trusted with professionalism and guarantee of precision and quality work. We at Ruloans share the same values as you do. So do join us to help our customers borrow right as we believe in much more than money.

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