The famous American business tycoon John D. Rockefeller once quoted, “How did I become a billionaire? By making a thousand people millionaires.”

When you help others to succeed and be a part of the success stream, you grow higher. You progress and earn not just in terms of monetary funds but also in terms of a goodwill human being who wants the society to progress with him/her. Keeping same thing in mind, we at Ruloans have come up with a plan where you can easily refer and earn extra perks along with some goodwill.

We have a specially crafted ‘Refer and Earn DSA Program’. Here you can suggest a DSA and earn benefits in one easy step!

What is DSA?

A DSA or a direct selling agent is considered as a crucial part in the progress of Ruloans. A DSA is also known as a Business Associate of Ruloans. He or she is a channel partner who can develop an understanding of the products we offer. A DSA is supposed to offer leads for the loans and other financial products Ruloans offer. Anyone with good communication skills and a well to do knowledge of finance along with the loan industry can become a registered DSA for Ruloans. A DSA can be anyone, CA, doctor, real estate broker, a working professional, a self employed personnel or a person who wants to live life on own terms.

A DSA has to follow or convey the loan leads to Ruloans and can earn benefits over the leads. The more leads a DSA provides, the more profit he/she earns.

What is Refer and Earn?

Refer and Earn is a customized program where one can refer people to become a DSA for Ruloans. When you refer a friend, colleague or relative to us to become a DSA, you get an exciting share of incentive for referring that person. So basically you can earn more by bringing more personnel to the Ruloans team!

Who can Refer and Earn?

We offer the ‘Refer and Earn DSA Program’ to many finance personnel in the market. If you are a CA, a broker, a real estate agent or even a DSA with Ruloans, you can refer and earn via this beneficiary program.

How can you refer and earn?

To refer someone as DSA is a very easy procedure. It’s just a two step task.

Step 1: You have to collect the contact details of the person you want to refer, which includes name, phone number, mail Id and current profession of that person.

Step 2: Mail us the details at [email protected]. Don’t forget to mention ‘Refer and Earn DSA Program’ in the subject line.

To know more about are amazing DSA program

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