A loan DSA is a promising professional path which is highly suitable CAs in India. Ruloans has an exclusive loan DSA partner program for CAs. There are many benefits and perks attached to the loan DSA program offered by Ruloans for chartered accountants. Here are few reasons as to why you should choose Ruloans to become a DSA business partner if you are a CA…

You get connected with a national brand

Ruloans is India’s fastest growing loan distributor. We are present in 25 Indian states with a touch base in more than 600 cities. Ruloans is successfully creating a strong presence in India’s 2-tier cities to connect with customers. Ruloans has emerged as a national brand providing loan guidance over the last two decades. While you work as a CA from your home town, working with Ruloans as a DSA will give you an opportunity to work with a national brand simultaneously. You’ll be recognized as a business partner in a company with national recognition and PAN India reach.

Beneficial for your client

As you handle the finances of different clients, you know when and how much loan they will require. By joining hands with Ruloans you’ll be helping your clients to solve their financial needs. This way your client will benefited by getting free loan advice from Ruloans and you will be appreciated too.


You’ll receive timely payment

Being a CA you know the finance world better than anyone else. We believe you understand the important of money and timely payment of your hard work. We make timely payment of your gains and business you have done in the month. You can trust us to deliver timely payout on your hard work as we offer you the best-in-industry revenue sharing program and best TATs in releasing the payout of business booked in the Industry.


join Ruloans as DSA!

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