When you want to personal loan apply, it’s important to know the interest rate of personal loan. That’s because the personal loan interest rate affects how much you’ll pay over the life of the loan, as well as your monthly payments and overall loan cost. Interest rates generally fall into two categories: fixed interest rates and variable interest rates. Both types have their own perks and drawbacks, so make sure you understand them while considering a personal loan.

This blog post discusses the fixed and variable interest rates in order to give you a contrast that will help you in deciding the product that meets your financial needs.

Fixed Interest Rates: Stability and Predictability

A fixed interest rate means that the interest rate of a loan does not change over the entire duration of the loan. Because the interest rate is not fluctuating on an ongoing basis, this means that your monthly repayments stay exactly the same for the duration of your loan, irrespective of broader economic conditions. There are a few key advantages to a fixed interest rate:

  • Predictability: At a fixed rate, you will know exactly how much you are going to pay on a monthly basis. This can be of great help when it comes to budgeting and financial planning.
  • Protection Against Rate Increases: If market interest rates go up, your rate won’t. It’s that simple. (Peace of mind, and financial security over the life of the loan.)
  • Simple to Manage: Fixed-rate loans are straightforward to understand and manage, making them a good choice for those who prefer stability and simplicity.

Disadvantages of Fixed Interest Rates:

  • Higher possible initial rate: Fixed rates could start higher than variable rates, which could cost more overall if market rates go down.
  • Less Flexibility: If market rates go down your clients won’t get the benefit of those rates unless they refinance their loan.

Variable Interest Rates: Flexibility and Potential Savings

On the contrary, a variable interest rate may increase or decrease depending on the reference interest rate associated to it such as the LIBOR or the prime rate. Here is what you need to know about variable rates:

Potential for Lower Initial Rates: Adjustable-rate loans often give an opportunity to start with lower interest rates than fixed-rate loans do. This can result in lower monthly payments at first.

  • Opportunity for Savings: If interest rates in the market decrease, your rate might also go down which could result in lower monthly payments and overall interest costs.
  • Flexibility: Variable rates can be advantageous if you anticipate that interest rates will remain stable or decline.

Disadvantages of Variable Interest Rates:

  • Payment Fluctuations: Variable rates can lead to unpredictable payment amounts, making budgeting more challenging.
  • Risk of Increased Costs: If market rates rise, the borrower could end up paying more over the loan’s term compared to a fixed-rate loan.

Which Interest Rate is Right for You to Consider?

Whether you choose a fixed or variable interest rate will depend on if the benefits outweigh the risks based on your financial situation and comfort level with risks.

  • Stability vs. Flexibility: If you prefer steady payments and wish to eliminate the risk associated with increasing rates, a fixed-rate loan would probably be the best choice. On the other hand, if you are open to a little risk in order to get the possibility of lower rates then variable-rate loan could be beneficial.
  • Loan Duration: Unlike short term loans where the variance is not huge, a fixed rate poses an opportunity to have a better financial security for long-term loans.
  • Current Interest Rates: Consider the state of the current market. If rates are high but projected to come down, you might guarantee yourself future savings with a variable rate. If rates are low and appear to be on the rise, you would probably lock in with a fixed rate.

Final Words!

Knowing the variations between fixed and variable personal loan interest rates helps make an informed decision, what suits you the best as per your financial needs. Be it the stability of a fixed rate or savings on interest with a variable rate; Ruloans is here to help at every step.

If you’re looking to be a personal loan DSA or DSA Loan Agents, Ruloans provides easy registration through Ruconnect App and access to wide range of financial products and attractive commissions. As a loan agent or dsa partners, leverage our large network and new age technology to grow your loan distribution business.

For knowing more or beginning with your registration process, kindly vist Ruloans and discover the opportunities that are waiting for you. Use our platform for easily handling your online personal loan requirements and take the benefits of personal loan option we offer.