An instant personal loan can help you in times of emergencies and when you need to pay off certain expenses. Since this is an unsecured loan, the documentation involved is very less as compared to all the different types of loans. Hence getting your personal loan application approved is possible.

A quick personal loan can be applied anywhere in India. A person sitting in Mumbai can apply for a personal loan at different banks after comparing interest rates being offered. Banks all over India will only check your eligibility in order to get a personal loan. These eligibility criteria will include information related to your personal as well as employment records. Anyone from a salaried employee to a self employed professional can apply for a quick personal loan.

What are the features of a personal loan?

  • A personal loan is an unsecured loan which means you don’t have to keep anything as collateral in order to get a loan.
  • This is a short term loan which can be availed for any duration between 12-60 months*
  • Anyone can apply for this loan and is under no obligation to mention how the loan funds will be used.
  • This is a hassle free loan where few documents are needed.
  • A better credit score can help in negotiating for better interest rates.

What is the best place to get a personal loan?

With majority lenders in the market offering attractive personal loan interest rates, customers can get confused when choosing the best bank. This confusion is because there is a lot of manual intervention needed. The customer will have to either visit all banks personally or check each rate offered by different banks online.

Hence to provide a hassle free solution to customers all over India, Ruloans web portal has created a system where after filling in your basic details and loan requirements, you will be redirected to a page where you can find interest rates being offered by different banks in the market. This can help you save time which would have been wasted searching individually. With all the rates under one page, you can compare and shortlist your choice as per your needs.

Overall, finding the best place to get an instant personal loan is very easy. On visiting Ruloans web portal, you can find out which bank is best for personal loan by comparing loan options. Select the option that fits your requirements and apply for a personal loan.

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